I'm Back

Yeay! akhirnya menemukan kembali blog yang sudah mati bertahun-tahun lalu. setelah dibaca ulang kemudian senyum-senyum sendiri. Betapa alaynya tulisan-tulisan saya itu, tapi setidaknya dulu ternyata saya menulis! Sekarang, menulis adalah hal yang tidak pernah terpikirkan. Selain tidak ada waktu pun tidak ada bahan yang menurut saya layak untuk ditulis. So, how's my life now? I'm a working mom, with a cute lil boy who always makes me delightful and grateful. Also a stubborn yet so tender hubby. Bisa dibilang, kegiatan saya sekarang ya just so so. Bangun pagi, menyiapkan kebutuhan si kecil lalu berangkat ke kantor. Jam istirahat menyempatkan pulang ke rumah untuk menyuapi si kecil atau menidurkannya sembari saya tidur siang juga, bersyukurnya kantor di dekat rumah. Pulang kantor, main dengan si kecil lalu tidur. Begitulah seterusnya setiap weekday. Di saat weekend, kami sekeluarga juga lebih suka menghabiskan waktu di rumah. Jadi, apa yang mau saya tulis di blog ini? Entahlah, yang penting nulis ini dulu :) Tribute to Suhu Wahyu Agung

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Pare -part1-

I went to Pare for a full month English course program. I got so much good and bad stories from Pare.
First time I arrived at my lodging, I just felt like, oh gosh, “could I live at such this place?” My deep soul said that I had to pass this. I came to Pare to learn English. No matter how bad the situation, I promised myself to survive. I passed the first day at my room with the battle in my heart. Living in a very old-dirty-house was not as easy as I think. The bathroom especially, I couldn’t stand any longer I think. I looked for other lodging but I couldn’t find any. Willy nilly, I had to survive living at that new place. Day by day, I became accustomed to live there. Before coming to Pare, I had a dust allergic. I forced myself under dusty environment. Voila, now I’m a dust-resistant person. Then I learn that many diseases come from our self. It’s caused by our negative mind. If you say that you’ll get sick if you do something, then you will absolutely get sick because of it. If I think I am strong, I will be. I do believe wise word that says “You are what you think”.

Another helluva thing I faced is my teacher course. Be honest, he’s so boring. My friends and I shocked because the lessons were too easy. We are not elementary students, sir! Again, I had to survive. I learnt to be patient, I learnt to manage my mood well. I tried to enter class regularly, but sometimes I was too boring, so I chose to absent. At weekend, I travelled to other cities in East Java, e.g. Surabaya, Lamongan, Tuban, Madiun, Batu, and Malang. I got big bunch of stories on my journey.
So what impress me the most about Pare? The answer is the people. I met new friends, new family, and new persons with different unique characteristics. I thank God for giving me a chance to live with Damay, Ika, Juni, Nopea, Nyak, and Zahara, also with the boys, Erwan, Mas Irul, Ryan and Satria. Moreover, I like the yummy cheap foods at Pare. Nasi pecel costs Rp3000, meat ball costs Rp4000, and soto costs Rp3000. Because of its price, I ate a lot and gained kilos for a month. The low living cost, peaceful environment and my beloved friends help me to keep my mood up.

When I’m home and write this note, I realize that I’ve changed a bit. I’ve learn many things from people at Pare which makes me more mature and more patient. I hope I won’t be a spoiled annoying girl like I was.
Thank you, Pare

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Penang -part1-

Trip to Penang, taught me lots of things. I would like to write the language lessons I learnt. I went to Mount Miriam Hospital at Penang. It had been the first time for me, yet the ninth times for my aunty visiting Mount Miriam Hospital to have chemotherapy there. So I spent most of my time at hospital, took care of my aunty, and processed all the administration things. I did it by my self. Most of doctors, nurses and administration staffs at Mount Miriam are Indian and Chinese. They use English as a formal and daily language. But there are also some nurses who speak Malay.

My aunty’s doctor, named Dr Rakesh Kumar, is a handsome Indian man. He doesn’t speak Malay. So when my aunty consults with the doctor, she uses interpreter nurses. Most of patients are from Indonesia, that’s why the hospital hires the interpreter nurses to translate from English to Indonesia.

First time I met Dr Rakesh, I was so impressed by his charming and friendliness. He asked “Do you speak English?” I answered “Yes”. “Oh, it’s good that you speak English,” he said. Then he asked me many things about the condition of my aunty. I was a little bit nervous. You know that Indian people speak English with their Indian accent, I rarely hear their accent. I always learn listening to British or America. But now I realize that every people in this world have their own accent so I have to accustomed my ear with all accent.

I had been in English Village for a month, but I don’t think I increased my English that much. The challenging to speak English with foreign is so much bigger than what I did with my friends at English village. Yet so far, I can understand what they say and they seem to understand what I say too. Isn’t it a good beginning?

It feels like people in Singapore and Malay underestimate our capability. They amaze Indonesians who speak English. I don’t blame them for it because as we know that most Indonesians come to Malaysia and Singapore in order to look for the job. To generalize things is the nature of some people. I myself prefer using English to Malay. If you visit Malaysia or Singapore, I suggest you to speak English whenever you speak with them who can understand Bahasa Indonesia. So they won’t think Indonesians are all stupid. In addition, I sometimes confuse with Malay vocabulary. For example, at my aunty’s room there’s direction “Sila tekan butang jika bantuan diperlukan.” I smirked, what is butang? LOL.

Another things that made me laugh was when I was on plane, they said “matikan telepon bimbip.” Oh I see, so the telepon bimbip means handphone. But my phone doesn’t sount bim bip bim bip like that. Haha. There are also many other words that will absolutely make you laugh.

I think that if you want to increase your ability in speaking especially, going abroad is one of the good ideas. Actually, five days at Penang is not enough for me to practice speaking English. However, at least I accustomed to listen to Indian-English and Chinese-English accents. I wish I visit England someday.

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Sanda, The Lebay Boy from Mojokerto

Jarkom kuliah kspk yang mendadak. Omai, belom ngerjain tugas kspk. Jadilah saya menulis ini di waktu 3 jam sebelum kuliah dimulai. Hehe. I hate being a deadliner, actually. Tapi, inspirasi justru seringnya datang saat saya sudah dalam kondisi ‘under pressure’. Ya kan ya kan? emm, gak juga sih. Sebenarnya cuma pembenaran aja supaya saya gak panic kalo deadline mepet. hihi

Think, think.. siapa ya yang kreatif di sekitar saya. Jeng jeng jeng… lalu muncul-lah nama Sanda Aditya Arsandi. Semua yang pernah sekelas sama Sanda pasti setuju dengan saya. Bahkan beberapa dosen juga sudah mengakui kreativitas sahabat saya yang baik hati ini. Thank God Sanda sangat kooperatif dan bersedia saya wawancara di sela-sela kesibukannya membaca peraturan audit. *bahkan saya gak tau peraturan apa itu yang jadi bacaannya Sanda :p

Wawancara saya lakukan via telpon. Lagi-lagi karena deadline. Sebenernya si kalo banyak waktu, saya pengen wawancara dan ngobrol langsung sama Sanda.. ecieee #apasih.
Fika: halo sanda, menurut aku, kamu kreatif, tapi kreatif dalam hal apa ya?
Sanda: haha, gak tau juga. Menurut fika gimana?
Pembuka wawancara yang aneh. Pertanyaan kembali kepada saya.

Sanda lebay? Yak saya kadang suka memaknai kata ‘lebay’ dengan kreatif. Lebay dalam arti sesuatu yang tidak biasa, berlebihan sih, tapi unik dan beda dari yang orang lain pada umumnya.
Dan ke-lebay-an Sanda itulah yang membuatnya menjadi sosok kreatif. Kreatif dalam hal apa? Dalam banyak hal menurut saya. Sanda selalu mampu membuat suasana kelas yang monoton jadi beda dan menarik. Ada saja ide cemerlangnya yang muncul. Banyak contohnya. Yang pertama, kuliah budaya nusantara. Presentasi budaya nusantara yang biasanya membosankan dan bikin ngantuk bisa jadi menarik jika dikemas oleh seorang sutradara seperti Sanda. Presentasi dikemas apik dalam sebuah drama percintaan. Wkwkwk. Kemudian presentasi di bulan berikutnya, lagi-lagi Sanda yang lebay membuat presentasinya menjadi seperti kuis cerdas cermat yang kayak di tivi-tivi itu.

Mau punya acara sukses dan menarik? rekrut Sanda jadi event organizernya.. he’s good at organizing a seminar, meeting or party.. Masih ingat saja saya komentar Bapak Johansyah, kata beliau, di lingkungan kerja nanti, orang yang kreatif seperti Sanda-lah yang bakal ‘kepake’. Kalo saya sih lebih setuju Sanda keluar dari PNS terus kerja di perusahaan advertising aja, jadi bisa lebih show off, memaksimalkan ide-ide kreatif yang muncul di kepalanya. * I know that his passion is being an auditor. A creative auditor? Yet, I don’t think that it is a good idea.

Proses kreatifnya bagaimana? Sanda yang saya kenal dua tahun yang lalu adalah Sanda yang biasa saja dan tidak kreatif. Lantas, bagaimana sekarang bisa kreatif? Out of the box is the key. Kreativitas bukan diberikan sejak lahir, melainkan diciptakan dan diolah sendiri. Berpikirlah out of the box, jangan takut untuk beda dari orang lain. Yap begitu katanya.

Oia, ada lagi yang menarik.. Sanda yang hobi melukis ini juga kreatif dalam menulis, cekidot www.sandaaditya.blogspot.com

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Who Am I ?

Sebenernya gw uda pernah nulis “About Me” di postingan yang lalu. Tapi, gegara ada tugas KSPK disuru nulis tentang Who Am I, biar lebih afdol, gw juga survey ke orang-orang terdekat, nanya gw itu gimana di mata mereka. Hehehe..

Yang pertama sama memi..
Memi orang yang paling deket sm gw. Walaupun uda hampir 21 tahun gini gw selalu cerita sama memi tentang semua hal, dari A sampe Z, termasuk tentang cowok.. That’s why memi lah orang yg paling tau gw gimana..
Kata memi, sejak kuliah dan jadi anak kosan, gw jadi berubah banyak. Memi pernah bilang di depan kakak sama adek, kalo gw itu anak memi yang paling bandel, dari dulu susah kalo dibilangin, trus kalo minta sesuatu harus diturutin, egois, pelit, manja banget dan sering ngomel-ngomel sama memi.
Tapi itu dulu loh.. Kata memi sekarang gw uda gak egois lagi dan memi ngerasanya gw makin nurut, lebih sabar, dan jadi lebih mandiri.

Dan itulah yang memang gw rasain, dua tahun terakhir ini gw udah berubah banget. Banyak hal di STAN ini yang bikin gw belajar buat jadi lebih baik. Ketemu sama temen-temen yang dewasa dan mandiri.. Jadi anak kos emang ngasi pengalaman berharga, ngajarin untuk tetap bisa survive tanpa memi pepi, dan menyadarkan gw kalau ternyata gw harus lebih sabar dan lebih bersyukur karena banyak orang yang gak seberuntung gw.

Yang kedua wawancara sama Farich, sahabat gw dari SMA, kuliah di Akuntansi UI, dan sampe sekarang gw masi sahabatan banget sm Farich ini.
Kata farich, gw itu kalo ngomong selalu apa adanya, kadang sering nyakitin orang lain. Gw akui, gw emang apa adanya, kalo jelek ya gw bilang jelek, kalo bagus ya gw bilang bagus. Nah, kata farich sifat gw yang terlalu ceplas-ceplos ini yang bikin orang lain suka bete sama gw.

Begitu juga yang dibilang sama Damay, sahabat di tingkat 1 di STAN, gw kalo ngomong suka ceplas-ceplos.. Yap. Basically gw cuek, suka becanda dan ga gampang tersinggung. Jadi, gw suka menyamaratakan orang lain sm gw. Padahal kan tiap orang punya tingkat sensitivitas yang beda-beda. I know that. Sekarang juga gw lagi usaha sih, pengennya jadi cewe yang tutur katanya lembut. Tapi mungkin butuh proses. Sama kaya belajar untuk jadi mandiri. Gw uda mandiri sih ngerasanya, tapi kata Damay yang sekarang satu rumah sama gw, manjanya gw itu masih sering kambuh.

Kalo kata Rahma, salah satu sahabat di STAN, gw itu ramah, supel, loveable, dan ceria. Gw adalah orang yang sangat terbuka dan suka berteman dengan banyak orang, dari temen yang anak dugem sampe yang anak masjid. Gw juga suka jadi tempat curhat, seneng rasanya bisa jadi pendengar yang baik..

Charles, temen maen di STAN.. Katanya gw manja dan sifat gw itu mirip sama Bella di film Twilight. Hhaha. Ini ga tau deh serius ato bercanda, gw sendiri ga terlalu ngerti sifat Bella itu gimana. Hehehe.

Bubung, nama panggilan gw buat si calon jenderal ini.. Sekarang masi pendidikan di Akademi Militer Magelang. Gw uda kenal dan deket sama bubung selama 8 tahun. He knows me so well. Katanya, sifat dominan gw adalah penyabar. Buat dia, gw adalah orang yang ceria, ramah, perhatian dan menyenangkan. Bubung inilah yang sering banget bilang kalo gw manja dan kekanak-kanakan.

Heran, segitu manjanya kah gw? Iya sih. Hehehe. Yang pasti gw selalu berusaha untuk jadi orang yang lebih mandiri dan gak ceplas-ceplos lagi.

Yap, itulah komen dari orang-orang terdekat gw.. Yang belum komen, sok atuh komen di blog ini.. Thank you.

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What's Your Blood Type?

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa setiap manusia memiliki kepribadian yang unik dan berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Banyak sekali penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis-jenis kepribadian manusia, antara lain:
1. Teori Hipocrates-Galenus yang membagi kepribadian menjadi empat tipe temperamen dasar akibat dari empat macam cairan tubuh yang sangat penting di dalam tubuh manusia.
2. Tipe Kepribadian menurut Holland yang terbagi menjadi enam tipe berdasarkan hasil dari interaksi antar faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal.
3. Tipe kepribadian menurut Claudius Gallenus yang terbagi menjadi empat tipe berdasarkan tipologi manusia.
Dan masih banyak lagi pendapat ahli lainnya.

Setelah browsing sana-sini, menurut saya klasifikasi kepribadian yang paling cocok dengan survey yang telah saya lakukan terhadap teman-teman dan diri saya sendiri adalah teori kepribadian berdasarkan golongan darah.

Tipe kepribadian berdasarkan golongan darah ini dipercaya di berbagai negara terutama Jepang, Korea dan Taiwan. Awalnya saya tertarik dengan tipe kepribadian berdasarkan golongan darah karena saya memperhatikan biodata artis-artis korea favorit saya. Disamping menyantumkan tanggal lahir dan informasi-informasi umum lainnya, mereka selalu menyantumkan golongan darah dalam biodatanya.

Selain dari biodata artis Korea, saya juga pernah menonton film Korea yang berjudul “My Boyfriend is Type-B”. Film ini menceritakan tentang seorang gadis bergolongan darah A yang memiliki pacar bergolongan darah B.

Di Jepang, buku-buku tentang kepribadian berdasarkan golongan termasuk buku yang laris manis. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat Jepang yakin bahwa golongan darah mempengaruhi kepribadian manusia.

Berikut ini adalah hasil ringkasan sifat-sifat manusia berdasarkan golongan darah yang disadur dari berbagai sumber.

Tingkat kecocokan menurut golongan darah:
 A paling cocok dengan A dan AB.
 B paling cocok dengan B dan AB.
 AB paling cocok dengan AB, B, A dan O
 O paling cocok dengan O dan AB

Sumber: Issendai´s Lair

Saya sendiri adalah orang yang independen, ceria dan santai. Tebak golongan darah saya apa? Yap, sesuai dengan penjelasan diatas, saya bergolongan darah B. Berdasarkan artikel-artikel yang saya baca, orang bergolongan darah B adalah orang yang cenderung santai, cuek, sering terlambat dan apa adanya sehingga tak jarang membuat orang lain tersinggung. Di film yang saya tonton, orang yang bergolongan darah B digambarkan sebagai orang yang menyebalkan karena sifat-sifat buruknya. Saat menonton film tersebut saya merasa memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan tokoh tersebut. Kesimpulannya, golongan darah B itu saya banget. 

Secara pribadi, saya suka orang-orang yang bergolongan darah O. Orang-orang bergolongan darah O biasanya adalah sosok pemimpin sekaligus teman yang baik karena sifat mereka yang optimis, sabar dan mudah bergaul. Hayo, siapa yang bergolongan darah O?

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The Life of My Dreams

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey –

This quote has become my inspiration. I have always been very excited talking about my plan, my dreams in the future. There are so many things I want to achieve in my life.

All I heard from everybody was to study what you like. Actually I do not like accounting that much. STAN is just the first step to achieve my dreams. Someone I trust said to me “If you graduate from STAN, you will be able to reach your success.” Well, I thought that it was a good idea to become a government officer with high salary. Although my parents can afford to pay my school fee, I just do not want to burden them with financial things. As we know, the entrance fee at other universities is very expensive. STAN is the one and only campus where we can get high quality education from great lectures for free. We use all the facilities for free. How lucky we are.

Then what is my dream? What is the meaning of success for me? Success is that I have good health, enough money to travel around the world from east to west. There’s a lot of place I want to visit. New Caledonia, South Korea, Turkey, New Zealand are some of them. As a Moslem, I absolutely want to go to Mecca. The reason why I really want to travel around the world is begun in Singapore. I took my first trip to Singapore 2 years ago. I really enjoyed travelling. Perhaps the biggest joy of travelling is meeting new people, beyond race, religion or culture.

So what should I do to reach my dream? By now, I am at fifth semester. I have to pass this uneasy year so that I can take part at graduation ceremony next year. Following the normal path as a graduate from STAN, I must do the on job training as a CPNS for at least one year before becoming PNS. Basically, management of STAN put us at random. We may have work at Ministry of Finance, The State Audit Board (BPK) or BPKP. Yet I pray to God so He put me at The State Audit Board (BPK).

The reason why I want to be an auditor is that I can give my best participation to this beloved country. I will make my contribution in preventing corruption and reforming bureaucracy system. Certainly, it takes much effort to change a work ethic in a culture where corruption is still dominant. I know that becoming an auditor is a big challenge to me, but I absolutely believe that if we fight corruption, someday Indonesia will become a prosperous country.

The second reason is mobility of an auditor. As I said, I very much like travelling. Be an auditor means that you have to work from one company to another company, crossing across the province and even overseas. I am sure I will enjoy my time doing the job as an auditor.

People say that we must study until the rest of our life. My dad also emphasize that I have to be a better person than him. He said that I deserve better education and life. Thus I will never stop studying until I get my doctorate. My dad only got Master of Science in Indonesia so I have to take master’s program abroad. Continuing my field study in accounting, I want to take business program at university in Europe or South Korea.

What is the consequence then? I have to effort more. I should prepare myself to become what I deserve to become. English, the first step I should pass. I must speak fluent English. My goal is not only speak English but also speak other language. I am interested in learn Korean, the language I like the most.

Talking about support, of course, my mom and dad do support me. They give everything I need to facilitate my education. Moreover, my mom is capable of motivating my spirit. Whenever I lose my mood in studying mommy will always be by my side to encourage me.

I also have a ton of people supporting me, my big family, my friends, and my lover. It has not been a bed of roses all the time, but they have all taught me very important lessons about life, morality and even love. I thank God for all blessing He have given to me.

My greatest failure would be if I could not be able to stay longer with problem. Life is kind of complicated problem, indeed. To pursuit success, all we have to do is just stay longer with problem. If my plan is not achieved, I will try it again and again. At last, God will always give the best for us. I strongly believe that as a human we must do the best and God will do the rest.

Be frank, I never want to spend my whole productive time being a government officer. At my age of 35-40, when my financial is stable enough I want to build my own business. I will run my own business by my hands, by my heart. Being an entrepreneur is my passion. It will be a very challenging work. I always love to make time to interact with everyone. I believe that communication is the basis for a successful company.

The most important thing but almost be forgotten by some women is that they have to do the role both as a mother and a wife. I myself believe that how great the career is nothing unless she is capable to be a good mom for kids and also a loyal wife. Family is like a company. A working mom is the default child raiser, household manager, information officer and sometimes a decision maker. Then, I not only have to enlarge my knowledge and competence in accounting, but also have to learn how to be a great woman who supports the whole family and makes it balance between family and career.

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